Disconnection and The Blogger
Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. I have readily agreed to Switch Off for myself and my family and wanted to share with you in case you also would like to switch off. I was sent a digital detox...
View ArticleOn Not Coping
Sometimes, when I’m not coping, things around here aren’t that great. If I am honest with myself, things haven’t been the same within our family since early last September, when James first left us...
View ArticleDo you help in your child’s class?
I help with reading in Ellie’s class on Tuesday’s (with Jasper in tow) and Thursdays. Last Thursday, on returning home to a sick James he asked me how it had gone to which I replied (possibly in a...
View ArticleIn which I am completely, unapologetically selfish
On Thursday afternoon, I had James pick the girls up from school and left them to it while I went and put my feet up for a couple of hours. There was a bit of chatting here and there, some music,...
View ArticleFacing Birth
38 Weeks, or, as I’m thinking of it – 100 years pregnant I know I’ve written a few less-than-glowy posts about being pregnant over the past 38 weeks but, I am really truly excited about meeting this...
View ArticleWhen heavy feels light
Late the other night, after one of Felix’s numerous night feeds (he hasn’t gone back to good sleeping since his bronchiolitis), I sat in the dark kissing his chubby little cheeks, putting off when I...
View ArticleWhen you speak too soon
I love this photo. I took it quickly as my four Munchies had a swing together and put my phone back in my pocket without checking it or taking another. They all looked super cute swinging together and...
View ArticleCollecting Snippets
I’ve been finding things quite tough recently. To combat that, I am trying to see and capture the little snippets of good stuff that can be overlooked in my foggy and exhausted state. I am using a...
View ArticleHello, my name is Becky
Hello, my name is Becky. You might remember from my most recent post. Or maybe not. I’ve been thinking about this blog a lot lately but not getting around to actually blogging, even though I promised...
View ArticleI have nothing to offer you
I won’t lie, I felt quite relieved with the recent spate of ‘useless blogger’ posts (which were ignited by this post by Veggie Mama). The pressure to be useful has been a real weight for me as I’ve...
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